Here in our desert home — USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 9/10…
…the growing season is in full swing.
The backyard is full of life…
…and fresh food!
No matter where you are…
…you can grow one.
Maybe it’s one winter vegetable, microgreens, or one herb plant…
…whatever you choose — choose one and grow it this winter!
Learn more:
- The Winter Harvest Handbook — My favorite book on winter gardening!
- Extreme Gardening: How to Grow Organics in the Hostile Deserts
- Grow Great Grub: Organic Food from Small Spaces
What are you growing this winter?
Hi, Andrea – I’m so very pleased to have found your blog! Your photos are lovely. I don’t have much of a winter garden this year, so that allowed me to try out a new dormant-garden plan: My garden is fenced, so I’ve been emptying bushels and bushels of dry maple leaves into it, and letting the chickens spend most of the day in there. They’ll tear up and compost the maple leaves over the winter, and add fertilizer, so when it’s time to plant, I won’t have to do much weeding. I think it will work, though I’ll have to get them out of there before the new raspberry canes start to grow in early spring.
What type of birds are those? I am assuming they are a variety of quail. Could you show a pic of their pen and tell how you raise them? Are you feeding commercial feed? We want to raise quail, but the commercial quail feed is HMO laden and are wondering how to get around that issue.
Andrea, your garden is looking so nice. I need help, we moved to Arizona last year and I tried growing a few things this year and the heat literally burned them up! yikes, so I could try now? Do you plant from seed? If not where do you find tomato plants at this time of year? We are getting frost so maybe our elevation is too high? 3340 feet?
I am sooooo jealous! Zone 5b here :/. My garden is quickly caving to the frost. We’ve had a few days of 28° lows. What are the last 2 pictures of?
They look like thyme then sage.
You got it Wendy:)
I’m trying it this year! Last year in late December I had the idea to move my potted herb garden into my sunporch. I know, I should have been doing this all along but they’re fairly large pots & I had never considered it, it was a “Duh” moment indeed. Of course by the time I brought my pots in last year the plants where winter dead and most had to be pruned back or seeds restarted. They were a sad looking lot for a month or so. Well this year because of Hurricane Sandy I brought them all in MUCH earlier and I’m happy to say that the pots of basil, calendula, sage, mint, and stevia are doing well… so now I’m thinking I should try some cold crops like broccoli in there. Anyone have some suggestions for a southeast PA sunporch? It can get down to the high 40°s in there on really bitter days in Jan/Feb.
Love it! I wish I could have any form of real winter garden. The weather is just too nutsy here after October to bank on anything.
Your garden looks lovely! I can’t wait until I can have one too!
Zone 7B-8A.Just kept it simple,got mustard greens,turnips,three kinds of kale(i like kale),sugar snaps and broccoli. Still got purselane and lambs quarters.We have been eating some awesome salads.
Becky,try making some hoops and covering them with clear plastic film.I have used pvc over pieces of rebar set 4-6 feet apart.When the hoops are in place,zip tie another piece of pvc,running lengthwise to stableize the hoops.Cover this frame with the plastic and clothes pin the ends.Place rock or dirt along the bottom edges to prevent wind from blowing the plastic off.If it gets really cold where you live add some clear plastic bottles of water to capture heat from the sun.Select cool weather crops and enjoy.
I have perslane and marrow. but dont know how to cook them or eat them. I need to know how to identify lambs quarters. do you have pictures of that? and how would I cook/eat it? My tomatoes have literally taken over my garden and are still producing in the middle of NOV. I am shocked and pleased. My swiss chard is doing great, but I cant find anyone that has kale or even kale seeds. What else besides lettuce can I grow in the winter in pots at 3200 ft. in So. Calif. We get up to 2 inches of snow 2-6 times a winter. I live in a trailer park and dont have much space to build a greenhouse or??? please help.
Lambs quarters is sometimes called goosefoot,because of the shape of the leaves.Mature plants can grow 6-7 ft high.When they are small and tender we eat them raw,mixed with lettuce and other greens.When mature they can be cooked like other greens.When they go to seed,the tiny seed can be gathered and used like amaranth.The seed have a high protein content,and the leaves are rich in vitamins.I have pictures,but don’t know how to post them.
I have no experience in altitude,but here we can grow,mustard greens and turnips(Down to about 25 degrees F.)cabbage,broccoli,chard,probably Brussels sprouts,and cauliflower,kale and collards.I get kale seed from, .Try their red Russian kale.
Wish I could do some veggies. Here in zone 5a, green bay Wisconsin, our nights are all below freezing and house has barely enough windows to let light in for us, though a little better now that the trees surrounding our house have dropped their leaves. My basil, rosemary, curry plant, lemon verbena, lemon grass, and sage have all bit the dust inside. All that’s left is some measly looking mints, lemon balm (about to bite the dust) and stevia. Good luck with your garden! My compost is going for next year 🙂