A buzzword within the natural health community. And rightfully so! Most health conscious individuals understand the positive effects on digestion that come from using probiotic foods and supplements. In fact, the benefits of ingesting probiotics have been well researched and the craze is taking over.
If you haven’t already heard of fermented foods, kefir, and kombucha you will soon. These are nutritional powerhouses used by those seeking to live a healthy lifestyle through a superb digestive system. Courses such as the Lacto-Fermentation eCourse by Gnowfglins will give you the knowledge base you need in order to implement these cooking methods.
Likewise, as the known benefits of probiotics are now expanding into mainstream culture, new research is showing remarkable promise for the use of this “good bacteria” in topical remedies.
Emerging thoughts include the idea that probiotics can actually help improve the balance of bacteria on your skin, very similar to the way they are known to improve the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. This will provide relief for those who suffer with eczema, psoriasis, various rashes of the skin, skin allergies, acne, unsightly discolorations, and interestingly enough it is also proving to be a powerful antidote against aging (a.k.a. wrinkles)!
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It, above all, requires extreme care for overall health as it is our first line of defense against disease carrying pathogens. Often times we forget that our skin contains millions of beneficial bacteria, also known as micro flora. Micro flora provide an essential role in preventing undesirable bacteria from developing.
This is part where we transition into what all of this means for our underarms (smile).
All of the chemicals in conventional deodorants serve to kill these “bad” or undesirable bacteria that cause that unwanted natural scent. However, in the mean time, they kill the “good bacteria” too. Leaving our bodies defenseless.
There are many reasons why we should be concerned about using anti-perspirants and commercially prepared deodorants! Here are just a few:
- There are hidden dangers in the active ingredients of conventional deodorant (i.e. Aluminum, Parabens, Propylene glycol, Phthalates, and Triclosan). Current research shows a strong link between anti-perspirants containing aluminum and breast cancer, birth defects, allergies, and hormonal imbalances. These potentially hazardous chemicals have no place in our homes and certainly no place under our arms.
- Even with all of the options for an all-natural, “green” deodorant, it is simply too pricey for this frugal chick!
- Let the body do what the body will do! I believe that when we attempt to inhibit the natural functions of the body we negatively effect the rhythms created for a purpose.
It was these concerns, and new research findings on probiotics, that lead me to create my own solution.
Homemade Probiotic Deodorant
-1 tbsp. cocoa butter
-1 tbsp. coconut oil (this is the BEST coconut oil on the planet)
-1 tbsp. shea butter
-1 tbsp. beeswax
-2 1/2 tbsp. arrowroot powder
-1 tbsp. baking soda
-1/4 tsp. non-GMO vitamin E oil
-15 drops essential oils of your choice
-2 capsules powdered probiotics
For the highest medicinal value available choose organic oils from Mountain Rose Herbs. These are the ones I trust to provide the ultimate in health + safety for myself, my family, and my friends.
1. Melt cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax over low heat.
2. Remove pot from heat, then add arrowroot powder and baking soda. Whisk with chopsticks until all powders are dissolved and combined. Add vitamin E oil and essential oils at this time. Allow mixture to cool in pan. Once it is cooled and the consistency of pudding, open capsules of probiotics and add powder to mixture. Stir with spatula quickly to combine.
3. Add mixture to clean, used deodorant container. Place in refrigerator to cool and harden. After this, product may be stored on counter (Note: Using a shelf stable probiotic such as Bio-Kult will prevent the need for refrigeration). This recipe will fill container and last for 3-4 months. Remember…a little goes a long way!
-When choosing a probiotic supplement for this deodorant it is important to find one that is shelf stable. It should also contain highly resistant beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. These “good bacteria” have the ability to survive the pH of our stomach acid during digestion and are the one’s that should be included in this recipe.
-If you have sensitive skin, substitute baking soda and use arrowroot powder solely. You may also consider omitting the essential oils.
-Use good smelling, antibacterial essential oils, any scent or combination of scents will do. So pick your favorite and have fun with it! My favorite combos are:
- Geranium & Lime
- Lemongrass, Wild Orange, & Bergamot
- Lavender
- Sandalwood & Ylang Ylang
- Rosemary & Peppermint
Additional Homemade Deodorant Options
There are several great homemade and DIY deodorant options available, like this one from Crunchy Betty and this one from Wellness Mama, but none of them offer the probiotic benefits like mine 😉
Where Can I Get This Stuff
–Mountain Rose Herbs is my go to for essential oils, butters, oils, and miscellaneous bulk items (i.e. arrowroot powder). A well appointed local health food store should also have these items in stock.
You are simply amazing. How inspiring to make your own probiotic deoderant. Thank you for sharing how you do it!
Wow–This looks wonderful!
I have been using a blend of coconut oil and equal parts baking soda and cornstarch for years. Love it. I do need to make a change somehow for winter though as our house is so cold the coconut oil is almost too hard to spread.
I, too, discovered a recipe for the same deodorant a couple of months back and I really like it! Only coconut oil and baking soda with a bit of cornstarch. Can’t beat the price or the results…no irritations!
what about the oils on the underarm fabric portion of the shirts you guys wear, though? I would think oil on a cotton or linen or synthetic fabric would STAIN bigtime, and be a real bear to wash out, needing really hot water and a strong clothes soap??
I find it doesn’t stain at all–to the contrary, it’s nice not to get “deodorant marks” from the commercial stuff.
Like the original poster said, a little bit goes a long way. That and the oil absorbs into the skin. If it seems excessive, blot or rub it in a little just like you would with any skin lotion. If you do have stains, you are probably using too much beeswax.
No probiotics in the formulat you’ve been making for years? Doesn’t all of this “oil” stain a fabric shirt/dress, etc.??
I have had some staining…anyone else? and how do you clean it off of your clothes? I love how it works, and do not plan to go back to the old stuff, but am a bit bummed at the pits of my clothing….:(
Perhaps try stain sticking your shirts right after you take them off? Or spray them with a stain remover spray? Good luck!
This is quite late in the thread, but, wondering if this whole idea is to be natural, then why would anyone want to use a chemical-laden product like a stain stick? Why not baking soda and/or vinegar in the wash, or some combination of natural or homemade stain remover? Dawn dishwash liquid is full of chemicals as well. That’s not the best combination of ideas; chemical-laden products to clean a natural product residue off clothes.
Great idea. I use concetrated homemade laundry soap personally.
They have natural stain sticks. Try Buncha Farmers stain remover. Also, use natural dish soap/homemade laundry soap to soak the stain.
I would suggest placing a 5-gallon bucket in a laundry room sink or your shower with a vinegar-water solution in it. Just place your pit-stained clothing in it as soon as you remove them, and until you wash.
I’ve had great success getting oil type stains out of clothing even if the stains were missed the first time washed by using a product by Dr. Bronner called Sal Suds. it does a great job for this and other “difficult” grease cleaning.
A lot has happened in the past 30 years– and the scientific community has surprisingly convinced political figures all over (most) of the world to ban the use of the dreaded “Freon” for refrigeration and sprays. Freons were chloroflourocarbons that failed to dissipate from the atmosphere once their chemical reactions were forced into a standstill. When researchers around the world waved their flags claiming “the end is near” and provided evidence of all kinds to politicians who had no idea (due to lack of scientific background), they began to actually listen and use non-halogenated hydrocarbons to replace the chemicals that once doomed the atmosphere at an insane rate. The chemical reactions released into the atmosphere using TODAY’S products are much, much, safer for the environment than they once were since their reactions are NOT forced into standstill up in the air with no way to return to the earth. I’m not saying you have to switch to using sprays again– in fact it’s good you found a better, more sustainable, alternative. But as a modern biology major with an ecological background– I just thought it would be nice for you to know about the progress that’s been successful over the years!
I am a massage therapist and I use a few drops of Dawn dish soap in the wash to rid the sheets of oil stains I use Almond and coconut oils and it works on those oils.
I also just use dish soap to get oil stains out of things. It is the best thing I have ever found for oil stains. I worked at a cafe for years & my clothes were constantly getting grease & oil on them. The best part is that even if I didn’t get the whole stain out & then dried the clothes, I could just treat the stain again with more dish soap and at some point it would disappear. So, if you try dish soap for oil stains & they don’t come out the first time, then just keep doing it.
This seems like a lot of ‘wear and tear’ on my clothes just to use this healthier ‘product’, not sure if it would be called a deodorant or anti-persperant ? If it is just a deodorant, I’ll stick to the salt sticks.
a paste of baking soda and peroxide will get rid of the stains
I’ve found using enzyme based cleaners that are good for ring around the collar are great for getting these kinds of stains out. The best option I have found so far though, is to use just straight coconut oil as deodorant. I just apply the oil, and let it soak in/dry before I dress. This recipe is very good, but I’ve found that for me, with my sensitive skin, the high volume of how much I sweat, and my activity level, that it stains too much for me. It’s fantastic for my husband who hardly sweats at all, and he has almost no staining. The other option that works well, is to use underarm guards in all your clothes, with the upside of this alternative being that not only does it prevent the stains, but people can’t tell you’ve been sweating and your clothes stay in better condition longer with the protection from skin oils and acids.
I’ve been using coconut oil, arrowroot, and baking soda for several years and found that you actually need to apply very little for this to work. Instead of smearing a stick of deoderant in your armpit, just use a thin layer that will fit on your fingertip. The heat from your hand and armpit will soften the coconut oil in order to spread it. Your armpit should feel fairly “dry” after application, not greasy at all.
Same think happened to me with coconut oil going hard so just put jar in hot water in bathroom sink while having shower and when got out was soft enough to spread under arms…hope this helps
place your coconut oil container near (not on) somewhere warm. It will soften. I leave mine above the stove in a shelf and it stays soft up there…no need to refridgerate it. Anywhere it’s warm will do…top of the dryer would work well to or in a water bath.
I found someone who had an extremely HIGH grade essential oils gotten directly from Provence, Fr & Australia which uses EU regulations which are MUCH more stringent that USDA!
They carry a few to keep them viable and they’re $9.99 for a FULL OUNCE!
Wow. Didn't know you could this. Might have to give this a try.
Very interesting! I have the same trouble as Kimberly though with the coconut oil making my homemade deodorant so hard in the winter. (Although I just hold it under my arm for a little bit until it softens enough.) Does this stay softer even in colder weather since it has the butters and beeswax in it?
You might want to try Fractionated Coconut Oil. It’s the clear, unscented coconut oil from the white stuff. Worked great!
Please explain if you are saying that the deoderant will not break dowqn at 76 degrees?
Can this deoderant be placed in a tube?
Do I need to refrigerae at 76 degrees?
thanks from a newbie
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
You're a AZ valley girl too, right? Would you wear this in August?
@Stephanie G. I am and yes I did:) Not this one because I just started making this recipe about a month ago, but I was using baking soda and coconut oil which was way more oily than this! So I actually anticipate that this will work much better in the summer months!
Thank you for posting. I live in AZ too and was wondering like Stephanie G if it would hold up to the Az summers LOL. I think I might have to give this one a shot!
Let us know, ok? It’s may 2013, now, so not sure if anyone’s reading this anymore 🙂
Yes there is! I just found it anam mighty glad I did 🙂 Gonna try it!
I am so glad I checked this. I just read a few women tried this during the summer of 2013 and live in AZ, like myself. Stoked about trying this!! 🙂
Cool beans! I'm going to try adding some probiotics to my homemade version, for now. When I run out, I'll try the whole recipe! Thanks!
Love this! I am totally going to try it. I've never been satisfied with the effectiveness of natural deodorants, so hopefully this will work better! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY. This was very interesting! Hope to see you next week!
Be sure to visit on Sunday for Sunday Snippets – your post from Fat Tuesday may be featured there!
This post will be featured at Sunday Snippets this week! Please come over and check it out! I’ll be at the conference this weekend so I can’t send the link.
Awesome! Thanks! Visit me at
new follower!
great! I use the crystal deodorant, made of mineral salt. cuts the odor down but you still sweat. I never use anti-antiperspirant because I also feel that we sweat for a reason!
I am writing this recipe down right now… probiotics in there is interesting.
This stuff probably won’t prevent sweating, either, right?
I have found that it does not prevent sweating, but now that my body had gotten its bacteria figured out, I do sweat less and I don’t ever smell! and this is coming from a really stinky athlete:) If I didn’t use anti-persp. in the past I was nasty! but now using this I never smell, and sweat considerably less.
where’s the like button? Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts as it has answered a few of the questions I had been thinking
Our bodies are supposed to sweat. That’s how we cool off. It’s a deodorant, not an antiperspirant.
Interesting. This would take some getting used to for me because I am addicted to my anti-perspirant. But I know that I need to get away from the aluminum…..
how do you get addicted to antiperspirant?
I am a strong believer in “addiction” to deodorant/antiperspirant. The store bought ones are antimicrobial, killing your natural flora. When you use deodorant then stop your natural flora can be replaced by more highly resistant species, that may stink more than your natural flora. Thus, you are forced to continue using the deodorant or stink to high heaven. I quit deodorant years ago and acquired a yeasty but not outright foul smell, as long as I showered regularly with mild soap. My wife suggested I use some deodorant a few weeks ago for a job interview, now I am fighting to get my smell back.
I also found that all bets are off if you swim in a chlorinated pool, which has the same effect on skin flora as deodorant.
I know people addicted to chapstick!
Thank you for sharing. I have found a few deodorant recipes and just need to get my butt in gear to make some. You have been pinned!
Not just the aluminum Christine, but the parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates and triclosan as well!
Amazing! Thank you for this. I have all of these ingredients already since I make soap so I am going to make some today. I have had problems with regular deodorant not working well after I had kids. Why, I really don't know haha! Maybe it's the stress 🙂
I had that same problem too! It started when i was about 5 months pregnant with my son…at that time it was just excess wetness but no increase in odor. Then when I got pregnant with my daughter, the odor came into play. I could take a shower in the morning and a couple hours later, I needed another one! I think it’s a hormone thing, since I also developed a skin allergy to pewter during this time that I didn’t have before. Now I make my own deodorant and it works better than anything else I’ve ever tried, even the clinical strength stuff!
The smell issues are mostly about the balance of flora on your skin & in your body. However, they can also be associated with hormone levels and nutrition (which is really tied into how the flora are balanced & functioning). I have found these natural, homemade deodorants to work better than any commercial stuff I have ever used. I used to have to switch deodorant every month to a new brand. Eventually none of them worked great & I had to make sure I applied 1-2x a day at least. Now that I understand the toxicity issues, I am so grateful to understand why I had those problems. Another good way to reduce body odor is to take a chlorella supplement and/or get plenty of dark greens in your diet. I mean, most people want to get lots of dark greens in their diet for various reasons.
Hi 🙂 I know your comment is a few years old, but I was wondering if the homemade deodorant you make, that works for you even after having kids, was this particular recipe? Thanks!
We did a body care post a few weeks back. Leslie (my co-blogger) made a good point — we want to reduce smell, but not our bodies ability to sweat which is a natural function to rid the body of toxins. As much as I am dismayed by that, she is correct. I have been using coconut oil and baking soda and it works great for the odor. I will have to try your method. I have other questions for you too but I think I will write you an email. 🙂
Great write up. You talk about improving the balance of your skin, and there is another very frugal and sustainable way to do that. Stop using soaps and shampoos for your daily bathing!
With the exception of times where I actually get properly dirty and I need something to break up the mess, I don’t use any soap or shampoo at all for daily bathing. I’ve been doing it for over a year now. It takes a few weeks for your body (mostly your hair) to get acclimated to managing itself properly after a lifetime of self-imposed chemical warfare, but once that is done, you are home free. My hair is more manageable, and a number of minor skin conditions I’ve thought I’d just have to deal with forever have either improved considerably or gone away entirely. Just hot water and washcloth is all I need.
About six months ago I made the mistake of washing my hair with shampoo, just because it had been so long I wanted to remember what it was like. It felt good, but my hair didn’t seem any more clean afterwards. It seemed kinda limp and lifeless, and for the next several days things were totally out of whack as I recovered from the chemical strip. Never again!
This article is what inspired me to try it:
Here is a follow up from the original author:
Those articles have more links in them.
For the ladies, my wife does this too, and she seems happy with it. She has long hair, and just does a vinegar rinse once in awhile if things seem to be getting too oily. She is pretty dang low-maintenance in the personal care arena though, so your mileage may vary.
Another interesting side effect of the no-soap bathing is that it takes a heckuva lot less time and water to do it. Anything longer than a 5 minute shower feels decadent, and I find myself "done" bathing long before I'm ready to stop enjoying the hot water!
Hi. Just read your blog entry about not using soap or shampoo. I have always had naturally oily hair, my whole life. After about a day or possibly two, my hair is oily, looks greasy, dirty, limp and I can’t stand it. i have gone to an all natural organic shampoo, and even sometimes use olive oil homemade soap. Apparently people use to use olive oil soap and lard soaps back in the day to wash their hair. I just use it now in stead of the shampoos that have a million ingredients. Are you telling me that if I stop washing my hair all together, it would no longer be oily and would “normalize?” …… just wondering. — Julie
I started using baking soda to wash my hair and body. I have been doing it for my two youngest For the last year. My one year old has only had soaps used on him about 4 times. I noticed how soft their skin was and thought I would give it a try. I get super oily hair in the morning and after using baking soda wash I noticed it was better behaved, shinier, and not greasy. Baking soda makes your skin soft, just try it on your hands. It also balances the PH of your body so your body is what it is suppose to be. I still use soap once and a while and I have used shampoo once and a while and it does throw my hair for a loop. It takes several days for it to get normal again.
Thanks for the recipe you are currently using. I have been using homemade deodorant (coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder) for many months now and love it. I will never buy deodorant again, but I may give your recipe a try.
Also, like the previous poster mentioned, I don't use commercially made shampoo or conditioner. I dissolve 1T baking soda in 1 cup of water, and 'wash' my hair with that no more than every other day. My 'conditioner' is 1T apple cider vinegar in 1 cup water, and I use it once for every three times using the soda. It has been almost 3 months, and my hair is shinier and has more body than it ever has. It doesn't ever appear greasy, either. I am still amazed at how well this has worked for me.
What’s the recipe for your deoderant??
Hi Karen,
Doesn’t you head end up smelling like vinegar? If so, how do you remedy this?
I’m not Karen but I use the Apple Cider Vinegar sometime. The smell goes away pretty quickly, you don’t smell like vinegar head but you do rinse it too…
Thanks so much for this post we will be having bees wax next year and I am very interested in these types of sustainable recipes!
Sounds neat! I use a mix of lavender and tea tree oils, just dab some one a couple of times a day. It kills the bacteria that cause the smell… or something like that.;)
Our house is cold too. Scrape your fingernails away from your palm along the top of the coconut oil. That will give plenty to soften at room temp. Just don't scrape the other way and end up with it under your nails.
My recipe is a lot simpler as far as ingredients list, and I love the natural way – I need to revise it with the beeswax so that I don't have to store it in my fridge year round. It's an interesting premise on the probiotics, though..I've not run across topical issues.
I use straight baking soda. After I finish washing my face, I dip my still-wet fingers in a dish of baking soda and apply. It works for a few days at a time. Because baking soda kills bacteria, do you think it may kill all the probiotics you are putting in your deodorant? I would love to know the science behind your recipe! 🙂 Knowing how it worked could open up a whole new world of ideas for me!
Does baking soda kill bacteria? It may not. Baking soda is a buffering agent so it probably works to completely change the pH of your armpit. This alone will completely change the bacteria that can thrive there.
Hi. Sounds like a very workable recipe. I did wonder about the fate of the probiotics too though, especially with the essential oils in there??
I have been using doTERRA essential oils for a few months now. I’ve learned that pure essential oils only kill the bad bacteria, not the good stuff =). Hope that helps!
This is not always true. There are tons of beneficial bacteria the oils can & do kill. I love oils too, but my husband and I refuse to diffuse oils in our home because we have so many cultures going all the time. Also, whenever I took the GX Assist I had to have some serious & immediate probiotic therapy in order to not get sick. While I appreciate that the GX got rid of my UTI when no pharmaceutical antibiotics could (or would), it is still an antibiotic itself and will kill beneficial bacteria. I know that you’re probably shocked to even hear this suggestion, but doTERRA doesn’t always have the highest scientific integrity. For example, they use soy phytoestrogen in their supplements for women, which (despite the heavy funding & pushing of the powerful soy industry) still can’t get GRAS status. Not that I would necessarily trust GRAS status, but there is so much science out there that questions the safety of using soy phytoestrogens as supplementation. Check out the book by Kaayla Daniels “Practice Safe Soy” to learn more about it. She’s funny & provides great sources of information about this subject. I love a lot of things & products from doTERRA, but I wouldn’t trust them outright at this point.
Wow! I am impressed. I bought some homemade deodorant on etsy but never even considered the probiotics. How cool!
You all bring up an interesting research topic! In my preliminary search I am coming up with nothing. All I know at this point is that with the addition of probiotics this has been the only homemade recipe to work for me:) I will be researching this further in the coming days!
What a wonderful post! I'm going to repost on my FB page. I use coconut oil and baking soda. Works perfectly, then again I'm not a big sweater.
I provide infant day care, and have had several babies over the years who present with yeast infections (diaper area, and thrush). I mix coconut oil, a little avocado oil and open about 5 capsules of acidophilus and put it on their rumps to help and then another container with the stuff I give them off a spoon for the oral thrush. Works like a charm in about 3-4 days.
Also, I use the menthol crystals from Mountain Rose Herbs and let them dissolve in a small baby food jar filled with olive oil or avocado oil. Then when it's dissolved, I add it to coconut oil in another baby food jar and put this in the fridge. It hardens and is my own homemade vicks. I also sometimes add a few drops of lavander oil, lemon oil and orange oil for baby vicks. It goes on the babies feet while wearing a footed sleeper and the vapors can then get to their nose without being overwhelming to them. For the older babies, it can be rubbed onto their backs to help with congestion and coughing, etc.
Home remedies are cheaper in the long run and work best.
I've been using coconut oil, aluminum free baking soda (Bob's Red Mill has it) and clary sage oil for years as deodorant.
I also use coconut oil mixed with a few drops of orange oil as tooth/gum cleaner. For my "toothpaste" I use dolomite mixed with baking soda and a few drops of cinnamon leaf oil.
I also use a mixture of oils called 4 Thieves to clean my house, spray on my hands as an antibacterial while shopping (those cart handles are gross) and keep a container of huggies wipes in the car which have been rinsed of their chemical junk and then I add a little filtered water mixed with vegetable glycerin and a couple of drops of essential oil of choice. Wipes in a neat little container but with my own mixture, not all those chemicals. Makes the car smell good, too.
wow you really gave some great additional adive! do you have your own blog too? i’d love to follow it as well. I’m very excited, I just found this blog!
I am curious about how you use the menthol crystals. When you dissolve them in oil, how much of each do you use? My husband has become sensitive to eucalyptus, which I use in a salve type mixture as a chest or back rub and under the nose during colds or respiratory viruses or allergies. I would like to try the crystals for a (like vicks), but in what proportions do you use them?
Thank you for your other ideas, too. What a good idea for the wipes. Proportions on those ingrdients?
If your husband has become sensitized to eucalyptus, I wouldn’t go near menthol with a ten foot pole.
Baking soda doesn’t contain aluminum, baking powder does. Which one did you mean?
Love what you're talking about, it's right up my lifestyle, aaand thanks for the probiotic tips. I'm a new follower (found you over at something I whipped up link party).
Do stop by anytime!
You are featured at Anti-Procrastination Tuesday tomorrow! Thanks for linking up!
Great recipe. I'll have to try it. Thank you for linking up to More the Merrier Mondays.
I have a simpler way of keeping the stink at bay. I exfoliate my arm pits. At first it was a couple times a week, now it's about weekly or less. There's no longer dead skin there to harbor the bacteria. I had struggled with that sour smell since I was 8 or 9 years old and now it's gone. My girlfriend tried it on her 7 year old daughter and it helped as well. There's so many natural home-made exfoliants. Just pick one and give it a try. Now days I also scrub across the chest and shoulders and use the exfoliant. The slipperiness of my scrub helps me when I do my monthly breast exams. It makes a great reminder to do them as well.
Just wondering what the purpose of the starch is and whether it could be left out? I"ve been using coconut oil and bakng soda as deoderant for a while–I love the idea of adding probiotics to the mix.
Some people are sensitive to baking soda. In which case, they might want to just completely replace the soda with the starch or arrowroot powder (I use arrowroot).
I've been looking for a deodorant recipe! This looks great! Found you through Nifty Thrifty things and am now a follower!
Thank you thank you thank you for this!! Can't wait to try this when I get home. What a beautiful site 🙂
Do you want to be featured in the skincare section of my site?
Found you at the linky- this d.e.o. is awesome and I LOVE your WHOLE SITE!! Now following,andrea@townandprairie
I've always been one that absolutely had to wear deodorant because I smelled terribly offensive. Someone suggested taking some vodka and putting it in a spray bottle with some essential oils. (I've mixed in lavender and tea tree.) She said to stick with it b/c it'll take time for your body to adjust, and she was right. But after a month or so, things seem to have calmed down and I'm happy to say I've been using it exclusively for 6+ mos. and my husband says it's great.
This sounds so great, odor is not my problem, sweating is. The only thing in 38 years I found that works sorry to say, since this is such a health conscience conversation is botox, so I need an alternative. Any ideas for something that helps more for sweating.
Hi there,
First time to your blog. I am very interested in making this. Is there a site online that sells all or most of the ingredients?
@Wendy … the author listed links sources & information above. The source for the ingredients is Mountain Rose Herbs at . and a well-appointed local health food store were listed as well.
does this deodorant stain/ruin clothes?
Does this deodorant ruin/stain clothes?
Is there anyway to make this without beeswax?
@Annymous You can make it without the beeswax…however it may be a bit more crumbly and fall apart but still as effective:)
I Love your blog. Just found it on pinterest!
What kind of probiotics do you recommend…been looking for a good one anyway before I saw this recipe. Thanks for sharing going to try this soon!!
Does this protect against sweating? I'm a heavy sweater (not the wooly kind 😉 ) and don't like the sweat spots on my clothing!
Good to find your blog from a comment you made at keeper of the home. I use vodka. Easy – no mixing required. Most deodorants don't work for me but this one does.
I just made this deodorant as a Christmas gift for my sister (and a bit for myself too!) It was very easy to make and has worked very well! I need to work on my essential oil combinations, but overall this was a great recipe! Thanks!
I was just wondering if anyone has tried this without the shea butter. I have a sun who is allergic to tree nuts so I try not to bring it into our home. Would doubling the cocoa butter work?
Thanks for sharing this. I have found that the more I maintain an alkaline ph balance in the body there is less need for deodorant. The optimum is about 7.3 and when I can stay close to that there is little to no need for deodorant and when the body becomes more acidic the need arises.
Hi Roberta
Just a little correction: 7.3 is not the ideal pH of the skin – that is 5.5, which is acidic. The mild acidity of the skin is part of the body’s defence mechanism.
You personally clearly benefit from an alkali skin pH, but most people will likely not. The important thing is for each of us to find what works for us personally; experimentation is the order of the day!
I’m guessing she meant her internal Ph is 7.3, not her skin Ph. 🙂
I have question about the essential oils. Some of them like lavender and tea tree are known to be anti fungal, and I assume anti bacterial as well. Will that have any effect on the life of the probiotic? Thanks!
You make an excellent point there Kristine. I need to further research that! My favorite combo for this deodorant is geranium and lime:)
This looks really great. I love the idea of adding probiotics to homemade toiletries! Thanks!
It was like a revelation for me! But the research is there and adding probiotics is very beneficial! And it’s worked great as an addition to deodorant:)
I love probiotics. However, I’m not sure that lactobacillus will survive in an alkaline (baking soda medium). And coconut oil is antimibrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral, so it alone should suffice without adding expensive probiotic capsules.
Additionally, a glucose source must exist for the lactobacillus to reproduce effectively..
Same antimicrobial benefits from lavender essential oil.
Homemade whole food probiotics in the gut will shift skin microbial balance, as does avoiding “anti-microbial” soaps and other hand-sterilizer products such as Triclosan.
Pat Robinson
Excellent information Pat! I am just in the beginning stages of research on this topic (and your articles are just what I need to contiune on), but I will say this…for whatever reason when I started adding probiotics to this deodorant recipe I stopped smelling:)
Would arrowroot powder suffice as a source of nutrients for the probiotics? Also, I am thinking the essential oils might be a little too offensive for the probiotics and better results might be yielded by leaving the essential oils out. Unless someone knows which oils would be easiest for the probiotics to handle?…..
Avoid tea tree, neem, and lavender mostly. All of those have antibacterial properties. There are others, but those 3 are the most popular with the strongest effect that I know of.
In a normal situation, I would have to agree. The recipe, however, calls for a shelf stable probiotic. the bacteria are safe from over growth on the shelf because they are enduced into a state in which they encapsulate themselves to protect against a harsh environment. This would include the coconut oil, essential oil and alkaline issue you pose. The bacteria should still be encapsulated as long as the mixture is cool enough when the bacteria is added. Since the body readily absorbs coconut oil and the coconut oil would act as a carrier bringing the essential oils into the body, as well, the only thing left is the alkali environment which would be neutralized by the skin, leaving an environment that would spur the bacteria to shed its capsule and begin to reproduce (more than likely overnight). A reapplication of the deodorant would likely kill a majority of the good bacteria, but the bacteria would be replaced with each application. The use of the probiotic is sound as long as it is a shelf stable (encapsulated) one.
Andrea, this recipe looks gorgeous! I am making bath bombs with some friends on Thursday, so may have a go at this, too 🙂
The only homemade deodorant recipes I ever found had cornstarch & I cannot use corn products. I was SO excited to see this on Pinterest! I can’t wait to try this!
So… If I don’t want to sweat… I would just add aluminum? When would I add the aluminum? Should I just put some Reynold’s Wrap into the recipe? Of so, when would I add the aluminum foil? One last thing, to ensure I don’t sweat should I use the “heavy duty foil?”
Troll. ^
I simply use arrowroot, baking soda, and coconut oil and it works great!
That’s awesome! I know a lot of people have success with that formula.
Arrowroot flour?
Arrowroot powder is a starch and is often a replacement for cornstarch.
I never heard of arrowroot here in Portugal (araruta) aparently is common im Brasil but not here. What is the purpose? consistency? Can I use another starch?
I have used Milk of Magnesia for a couple of years with excellent results. No odor and diminished perspiration. I recently learned Parabens are used as a preservative, so I’m looking for an alternative. The commercially available natural deodorants simply aren’t effective or irritate my skin. Is there a way to purchase Milk of Magnesia without chemical preservatives? It really worked well!
I use the Publix Brand of a “milk of magnesia” type of liquid for a deodorant as well. I have looked on the label and the type of preservative is not mentioned. It does say ” does not meet USP requirements for preservative effectiveness.” Guess that means it doesn’ t have “proper” preservatives, which probably means parabens. It says that the only Inactive Ingredient is “purified water.” I am going to email to ask them about parabens and preservatives. Thanks for the info.
First off I want to thank you for such a wonderful blog.
This deoderant recipe is FANTASTIC! I’ve tried other natural deoderants and been very disappointed. I made a double batch for my husband and I, and we both think its great! I used soy wax in place of bee’s wax. Thanks a million for sharing all you do.
Thank you for commenting Danielle and I’m so happy you like the recipe! It’s definitely the only one that’s ever worked for me:)
I was wanting to make this but can you substitute the probiotics with water Kefir or Kombucha? I grow my own and that would be cool if I could just add that….
I’m not sure if that would work…it may make it to watery. You could always try though:)
Andrea, thank you so much for this recipe, just made it and it’s cooling in the fridge now…can’t wait to use it!!! I’m also making your laundry soap recipe; just waiting for your vegan bars to come in the mail 🙂
Thank you so much for all of your recipes, they’re awesome!
Thank you Erin! Let me know how it goes:)
Well, I’ve been using it for almost a month now and I love it! I really don’t think any other deodorant has worked this well. I’ve also been using the laundry soap and it’s great!
Next on my list is the medicinal salve!
Thanks Andrea 🙂
Wondering how you measure the bees wax, do you just cut off a chunck or do you melt it first and then measure it.
It’s best to shred a piece of beeswax and use it that way. Trying to melt it and measure will get you nothing but a mess:)
Hi Andrea!
I love this post and thought my readers would really enjoy it and be pleased to discover your amazing blog, so I placed it on my very first linky: Seasonal Celebration Sunday which started today!
I do hope you’ll come by and meet me on my new linky and add it to the list of linkys you post on, it would make my day:-) Rebecca x
Thank you for sharing Rebecca!
I am SO excited to find this recipe!! This is one that we have been putting off trying ourselves but I’m going to give it shot know.
I recently made a different version of homemade deodorant, but it makes me really itchy. So I think next time I will use your recipe and maybe sub the baking soda out per your suggestion for sensitive skin. Can’t wait to run out; it’s not so bad that I can’t finish what I have; too frugal to throw that out too! Thanks!
Oooh, I’m totally trying this next batch. Though I’ll leave out the tea tree and lavender that I normally use since those would most likely kill the probiotics, no?
You got it!
Just a quick comment that Arm & Hammer contains aluminum. Unless it specifically states that it does not contain aluminum, you should anticipate that there is at least some in all brands.
Not true, baking soda does not have aluminum, baking powder can. Check out this post
Is there anyway to make this without using coconut oil. We recently found out our son has several allergies. Coconut, almond, peanut, and wheat being the biggest. So i try not to bring any of these into the home. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I’d experiment with soy wax , assuming hes not allergic to soy on his skin . I have allergy’s to things internally but not externally . really if your adding antibacterial oils and diluting them with other oils there’s less chance of irritation . .. maybe try palm oil or cocao butter . Some people use essential oils them straight and do fine, but it depends on the person ..
Sometimes I save stuff until I get a chance to read it, so I finally got around to reading this. I LOVE the idea of using aluminum free deo and it’s great for most occasions, but sometimes you really NEED to have an anti-perspirant. Does anyone have suggestions for a ‘healthy,’ aluminum-free anti-perspirant?
My mother, myself and my daughter are allergic to vitamin E on our skin- Is this a highly necessary ingredient or can we sub something or remove it altogether?
I was wondering if you have to use th cocoa and shea? I have had issues with these items when used in body wash and was unsure about adding them to a deodorant. Could you use this recipe without them?
Hi All–
Where can you find the empty deodorant containers/tubes? Just bought all the indredients today & I am so excited!!
I bought a small jar of probiotics but found out after I got home that it’s in liquid form. Would this be okay to use?
I am looking up the ingredients of this recipe on line to purchace and before I have even added in the essential oil or the probiotic I am already at 27.00. Mind you we are talking Cocoa Butter, Organic 4 oz
$5.80 , Coconut Oil, Organic 4 oz, in Glass Jar $4.95 , Shea Butter, Unrefined, 2 oz which is far more than I will need to make one batch so in the long run will work out to be worth it I am sure if it works (I too am an AZ girl) My question is how long will these ingredients keep so I can use it again and again to make more? I am finding my ingredients at Living earth hebs…. maybe I am not looking at the right places to purchase and could save some money some where else….I really want to try making my own. I am actually using this very deoderant right now that I bought from you at the Stock Shop here in Glendale and I do like it so far. We will see how the summer goes. As for weather or now you will perspire when you wear this I can honestly say that I have not found anything that prevents that including the incredibly expensive “clinical formulas”. I am a hospice nurse and am in and out of my hot truck all day long in the summer so If I can just keep the odor away I will be happy!
Some of you have been asking where to get tubes, and here is a great website (no minimums to buy) with all sorts of bottes, containers and jars for all your homemade needs. 🙂
Using probiotics on skin is a fascinating thought. I suppose one could add it to lotions and creams? Have you ever tried this?
I make a homemade deodorant that kicks my nasty body odor far better than any commercial one ever did. Equal parts baking soda, arrowroot powder, clay, coconut oil & shea butter plus a few drops of tea tree, lavender and frankincense oils.
I also have a secret weapon: I wash my underarms with raw honey. I think The enzymes balance all the flora.
What kind of clay do you use? Would french green clay work or do you think that would stain clothing?
That’s very interesting about the honey. I’m sure the enzymes are very helpful. Do you just apply and rinse off?
I have to say that using commercial deodorant was one of my biggest concerns. I have been using organic, all-natural deodorants for quite a while now but am so excited to try making my own. I think I prefer something I can apply with my fingers vs. trying to find a formula that will work in a tube.
Hi there! Thanks for this recipe. What is the purpose of the Vitamin E. I am allergic to soy, which most Vit E is made from. Can I leave it out? Thx!
I’ve heard the Vitamin E oil’s purpose is to help the deodorant roll on smoother.
Is that a styrofoam cup?
The deodorant tube? No styrofoam…it’s a repurposed commerical deodorant container 🙂
Where do I purchase deoderant tubes?
I can’t wait to try this recipe. I will be on the lookout for these items. There is a booth at at the farmers market that I have always wanted to stop at to get essential oils, and now I have an excuse to do so. Thanks for sharing.
Don’t laugh, but…I think I want to be like you when I grow up! 😉 I just love all that you are doing. Thanks for sending out so much inspiring information. I’m blessed to have discovered your site!
OMG, I just made this, but I used a few mint leaves in the oil/butters while they melted to infuse some scent! The mint smell mixed with the cocoa butter smell is so heavenly, I just wanna lick the deodorant stick! 😀
I have been using baking soda and cornstarch mixture for about 8 months now=no smell! Unless I am really active I apply only once.
This recipe is absolutely awesome. I used candelilla wax instead of beeswax and only had shea butter so doubled it up for the cocoa butter. I was about to give up on homemade deodorants because none have been able to keep me odor free in muggy, hot and humid South Florida weather but this one is holding up beautifully! Thank you so much!!
This is very close to the body butter I make. Also, I use the coconut oil, cornstarch and baking soda as deodorant now but can easily add the dry ingredients to my body butter. I would leave the beeswax out. I don’t need it to be that solid.
For those who are having issues with the coconut oil getting too hard, I whip my body butter with an immersion blender. You can add a some olive oil to loosen it up a bit. I whip it in three stages — as soon as I get the ingredients mixed, let it sit in the fridge for 5 minutes, whip again, another 5 minutes in the fridge and whip again. Then I let it solidify.
I have my deodorant in small mason jar and just dip my fingers in.
Just came across your blog via Pinterest and homemade sunscreen (yay)! I have to admit that I am rather nervous to try a deodorant vs. anti-perspirant. I perspire A LOT. I’m worried that I won’t be fresh if I don’t use the heavy-duty, chemical-laden, clinical strength and poisonous anti-perspirants. I’m trying so hard to switch out all of my body care, hair, household, etc. products for safe, organic if possible, natural ingredients. I guess it can’t hurt to try this, right? Thanks for posting!! Off to read more of this fantastic blog!
Ordered this in the earthy scent from the Etsy shop and I cannot say enough good things about it. I had been using an organic deodorant for years and for whatever reason within the past 6 months I had starting having problems with it. Burning red patches and brown discoloration. It was really terrible. I found your blog and up popped this recipe with a link to your shop. I have been using it for several days and there is no more burning, itching, and the discoloration has started to disappear. And boy does it work! I apply a small amount after my morning shower and it lasts all day and even into the next morning. I am very active taking long walks with my dog, weight lifting and doing yoga. Even after a lot of activity I still smell great. Now I do have to say I don’t think this product makes any claims to be an anti-perspirant and I do still sweat slightly but it does not smell and seems to disappear fairly quickly. I have not had any problems with stains on my clothing and even if there has been a spot it comes out in the wash. Thank you so much for this product.
I am getting ready to make this. I was wondering if the first four ingred. are measured as liquid or solid? Thanks so much!
Either way is fine 🙂
I’ve read a lot online about homemade natural deodorants and I really want to try it since I’m worried about the harmful chemicals in so many commercial products. I’ve already made the switch to many natural products except my anti-perspirant. I am a really sweaty gal and it’s a horribly embarrassing problem not only because of the sweat stains, but also the odor. I’ve been using Certain Dri because it’s the only stuff that works on me, but I want to stop because I know it’s not good for me. I was just wondering if there’s a period of adjustment when switching to a natural deodorant just like when switching to natural shampoo? When I switched to natural shampoo bars, it took over a month for my hair to adjust and it never did adjust to the apple cider vinegar rinse at all (I had to find a natural hair conditioner). I’d love to give this recipe a try!
I found it took about 8 days for me to feel my homemade deodorant was going to work and tried to pick a time when I had some time off from work. I found the baking soda irritated so I added more arrowroot powder in proportion which helps absorb moisture too. I have not added the beeswax, shea butter or cocoa butter to the deodorant, using only melted coconut oil and applying with my fingertips. I put the soda through the blender as I dont like the gritty feeling. I am a heavy sweater, and have not gone through a hot summer with this, so dont know how it will work. I also spritz vinegar on my fingers and apply to my underarms, then blot with a towel before applying the deodorant, and it does help give me a few more hours of effectiveness. This routine is effective for a longer period than any of the aluminum-free deododerants I have purchased at health food stores or online.
Thank you for a wonderful, easy recipe that works for my hubby in the nastiness of MD & in the dry heat of AZ!
I have to say that this recipe is by this far best which I have done. Almost used my first patch of this. Used for my version tea tree and lemon essential oils. They do really function together.
In couple of weeks need to do some more and this time add my favorite “parfum” to it Monoi Tiare Tahiti (the real one).
Some other recipes have too much of baking soda which can irritate skin and I did get that.
Also I did converted my version recipe tbsp to grams, which is more better way to get, because cacao and shea butter can be really hard to measure with spoons.
I’m so happy that you like it 🙂
I just was finally able to make this deodorant toward the end of last week. It seems to be working really well for my husband’s sensitive skin. However, I’ve now noticed it staining his shirts, and I can’t get it to wash out. Does anyone have any tips/tricks for this?
They are finding that deodorants contain parabens that can cause breast cancer.
Andrea, Thank you for this recipe! I made your deoderant and have been using it for 3 weeks now. It works so well honestly better than anything else I have tried either store bought or homemade. And without irritation like I’ve experienced with some other DIY deoderants. It is actually soothing. I have used it all day outside in very hot weather and still no smell. I’m making some for my family members! This stuff is great – LOVE your blog.
I am going to ask a stupid question but I am new to making homemade items such as this. I live on an extremely tight income and would love to make my own deodorant. Where is the best and cheapest place to find the ingredients. I am disabled and can not drive. I depend on others and with the price of everything try to keep my shopping trips to one or two stores. I live in NC. Any store suggestions or online suggestion? Please help and thanks!
This is great! I will be using this and some other recipes I found to make the ULTIMATE NATURAL DEODORANT!!
I jest, but on a serious note, you have to take your pick when it comes to probiotics and essential oils like lavender or tea tree. Why? Because (as some have stated here already,) tea tree and lavender are strong antibiotics and they kill bacteria. Your probiotic is a bacteria. So adding these types of oils will make the probiotics die (aka useless).
I will be making a separate moisturizer with coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, and probiotics. Also, astaxanthin! AMAZING on skin and when taken as a supplement – too many benefits to name!
Hi Andrea!
You have so many great recipes, I don’t know which one to make first! 😉
Just wondering, where do you get your deodorant containers? Or are you reusing old ones?
Thanks for sharing this recipe! I just made a batch, but didn’t want to melt the solid ingredients in order to measure them. I found a site that said 1 oz of beeswax = 2 T, so I just used my kitchen scale to weigh out 1/2 oz of each of the solid ingredients – seems to have worked out fine, proportionately! Just wanted to add that in case weighing is easier for folks.
I’ve only tried natural deodorant once and never again because it didn’t work for me, but this sounds interesting.
Can you explain if you have a reason for whisking with chopsticks instead of a whisk or other tool? Does it have to be chopsticks?
{I’d appreciate if you can e-mail me the answer as well as post here for others who may be curious. Thanks!}
Wow! You guys have some great ideas. I will be coming back here and trying some of these great things… Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been using and LOVING this homemade probiotic deodorant for more than 2 months now. It’s been working fabulously! However, the past few days I’ve noticed that my skin has been starting to react to it. It has become red, though it doesn’t hurt or itch at all. The EO’s I used were clary sage (2/3) and lavender (1/3). Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas about what could be causing this? Thanks for the input!
That’s great and all but I am still looking for the frugal part of this ! If, in order to create deodorant you need to buy $100+ of material (eventho it will last you forever) or buy the already made version for $14, why not just get a Tom’s deodorant (or similar, more natural thing) ?
Does anyone else just use plain distilled white vinegar on their pits like I do? I have to use this because I have very sensitive skin and as long as I don’t spray it right after shaving, I’m ok. Wouldn’t the oils and butters used here block the pores and prevent natural sweating? What about plain probiotics mixed with water instead? Anyone try that? What about for acne, maybe probiotics on the face? I am thinking of trying this concept; you gave me a great idea so thanks for the info!
I’ve been trying to find a recipe that would be hard enough to put in a stick. That’s great! I was exfoliating well and then using lime juice on my armpits as soon as I got out of the shower. Once it was dry I followed with coconut oil and then a brush of baking soda and corn starch. It worked very well, but it was all so messy! I’d love to use something that was just a stick to rub on and be done!
Anyone think Carnuba wax would work for this? Or would it be too hard?
I tried for the first time ever is fresh lemon! yes, if it can take the smell of crabs off your fingers, then I’m already sold on that alone. Then I followed up with coconut oil, tea tree oil mix, because they are anti bacterial. I can honestly say that I’ve been dry all day and no odor. I am happy with this cuz I’m a big time sweater. I’m tired of perspiring failing deodorant. Time to be a naturalist!
Can u give me more specific info, my husband sweats so bad, he’s tried everything on the market. It usually works the first time but after that first day he’s sweating again like crazy. How much of each ingredient is in ur mixture u mentioned. I would love to make this for him. Thanks
Does it matter what kind of bacteria you use?
I used your recipe to make deodorant. I took it out of the refrigerator and it did not stay firm. What do I do to correct it???
Does anyone know an e mail address too get in contact with this site!!!!
Great recipe. Super easy to make. I added sweet orange EO and it smells fantastic. The tube is cooling in the fridge now. Looking forward to using it in the morning. Thanks for sharing!
Does anyone else like to lick this probiotic deodorant from his lover’s armpits? Once it heats up, it tastes like ambrosia. Deee-licious.
Hi, I am just wondering if you get warm while wearing this does the oil/wax melt and what would be the effect on clothes as oils tend to seep into fabric and stain? Has anyone experienced this?
yes I have a problem with it staining my clothing…any suggestions to get it out? I LOVE it and will not change, but am hating this nasty side effect…
Its going to sound absolutely crazy but I don’t use deodorant at all. Nothing, no homemade remedy or store bought brand. And the thing is I don’t smell, and I shower twice a week or so. When I shower I don’t use much soap either, sometimes use a bar soap (goat milk) when shaving. For me if I shave once a week or so I don’t get smelly. To start off getting rid of the stinky bacteria I sanitized my underarms with a hand sanitizer, but Im sure rubbing alcohol would work too. I did that right after a shower. After that no smell and no deodorant either. Now the only time I re-sanitize my underarms is if I try on clothes that someone else had tried on before me (clothes shopping…) If I don’t my underarms get stinky in about 1 second after trying on clothes. I feel great not using anything at all on my underarms. Don’t know if it would work for everyone or if Im some special case. People always think Im crazy when I tell them but they all are surprised because I don’t smell at all.
I just wanted to add that I am using the ”Rosemary Mint Probiotic Deodorant” that I bought from the Frugally Sustainable Etsy shop. I am in love with it! It works better than any deodorant that I have ever tried, and it smells great. It also goes on clear and stays that way, no stains on clothes. I definitely recommend it for anyone looking to buy an already made version!
What essential oils would be make a good manly scent and the ratio? Trying to get my husband off the store brand,
I would like to try to make this, but I have a few questions. Can I use probiotic liquid instead of the powder (that is all I can find here in Thailand)? If so, how much would I use? Is there a substitute for cocoa butter as I cannot get that either?
Thank you
Hi, I have a quick question. I love your site and appreciate your recipes. I am beginning my journey into detoxifying my home. I am a vegan and want to make a lot of your balm/deodorant/lotion recipes, but would like to veganize them. Can you include the vegan alternatives? For example, in this recipe could I substitute candelilla wax? If so, do you have any idea what the conversion ratio would be (instead of 1tbs of beeswax use ?? of candelilla wax. (P.S. I am super excited that you made a recipe for the vegan bar soap and am going to attempt that as my very first foray into soap making!!)
Thanks again for your blog; it is amazing!
I bought all the ingredients in the summer to make your homemade sunscreen. It worked really well! Since I had the ingredients for making deodorant, I gave it a try this week. I really like the idea of using natural deodorants. I can’t stand using products that I know contain harmful chemicals however, I am one of those people who really needs to wear it. I followed your recipe exactly and I think I wasn’t too smelly for the first day or two, but by the third day, I stunk! Some things to note: I purchased ‘natural’ not deodorized cocoa butter. In future, for both deodorant and sunscreen, I would prefer unscented. Also, I found the added baking soda made it a bit gritty feeling when I rubbed it between my fingers. It wasn’t too noticeable in the underarms though. I also wore an old, tight fitting black t shirt the first day, to see how much of it rubbed off on my clothes. I was surprised and pleased to see that there was almost no deodorant on the fabric at all. I think it absorbs into your skin quite well. The essential oils I used were grapefruit and lavender. Strange combination I know, but I had and old recipe for an all purpose cleaner that used them together and it smelled quite nice. Also they were the only ones I had on hand. I am going to try a few different recipes and see which works for me. I will let you know.. Thank you so much for all your wonderful recipes and suggestions. I love reading your blog!
First I would like to thank you for the recipe. I will try it out may be add some nice smelling aroma oil. Then I would like to bring to your attention that some of the article doesn’t read right (to me anyway).
“anti-perspirants containing aluminum and breast cancer, birth defects, allergies, and hormonal imbalances.” Although I know what is meant, may be it should be rewritten.
Wishing you a happy new year
kind regards
Christel Webb
Try PitStik today! I make a natural deodorant made with Coconut Oil, Baking Soda, Cornstarch, Beeswax & Melaleuca Oil. Proudly handmade in Colorado Springs, USA!!
PitStik – Changing the way you stik your pit and It WORKS!!!
I am allergic to coconut 🙁 Is there something else I can use instead, or can I simply leave the coconut out?
won’t the heat to melt the fats kill the pro-biotic bateria?
That is why you wait until it has cooled before adding the probiotics.
Not smart at ALL.
Let just mix everything “healthy” and you will get healthy stuff.
The baking soda is anti-bacterial, by modifying pH. The essential oils too, in their concentrated form they are ANTIMICROBIAL. Also those are strains that live in the gut’s mucosa not the skin.
People can be easily fooled
Probiotics are so key to my life ( I take trillions a day) & I LOVE this idea!!! & thank you for sharing the fermentation class— this is going to be next on my list! 🙂 xx Dana
This is amazing! Thank you so much as I have not used commercial deodorants for years. You’re a blessing!
Thank you so much for this recipe. I have had issues with deodorants not working forever. This worked right away, I love how I can customize the fragrance, and I love not having to worry about dead deodorant an hour into work. Thank you so much!!!
Sarah@Mum in Blooms , I agree. I love your website. Thank you so much for sharing. I am just embarking on getting everything together for homemade recipes.. I am glad to find someone else who has done the tried and true of it for me. God bless.
Sorry if you mentioned this and I missed it, but since the recipe has probiotics in it, does the deodorant have to be refrigerated? I was under the impression that in order for the bacteria to stay “alive”, it has to stay in a cool, dry place.
I also want to know if the deodorant needs to be refrigerated. I love the idea of pro biotic deodorant though thank you!
Baking Soda has aluminum in it, so if you are trying to get away from that, be sure to use aluminum free baking soda!!!
I believe you are thinking of baking powder. I have never seen a baking soda containing aluminum.
Crunchy Betty talks about it here:
if you use probiotics that are refrigerated does this deodorant have to be refrigerated also? I have refrigerated probiotics that you place on your tongue and let dissolve, they are my favorite, do you think could I grind mine up and use them in this recipe? Just wondering as probiotics are expensive and Id like to utilize what I already have..
Thanks for any inmput as I am an avid reader
Encore, Encore, Bravissimo, Bravissimo!!!
Been making my own for some time now, never thought to add probiotics. This is a great idea and will solve some issues with the homemade deodarants. Thank you so much. We drink kombucha everyday here and love it. Keep up the good work Mary
I see in the article about deoderants that topical biotics are also being used for psoriasis. I don’t see a recipe for the topical concoction for psoriasis, but I”m curious how this type of “stuff” for lack of understanding on my part could help psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. It has been found that biolages work; however, it’s an expensive treatment with many side effects. I have had what was diagnosed as acute gutate psoriasis since late 1986. I broke out head to toe while I was pregnant. The remedy at that time was wearing a plastic suit, soaking in a tub of very, very warm (closer to HOT) bath water with peanut oil in it. To maintain it, I was to soak in the bathtub with more peanut oil twice a day for 30 minutes. Yeah, this was fun with three kids under the age of five! I also used UV lights for a period of time. Now that I’ve moved to Florida I can get it fairly cleared up by going to the beach and getting in the salt water and sunshine and still continue using steroid ointment. I guess I didn’t need to share the whole background, but I thought it might help readers understand why I am skeptical of using a biotic home remedy. Any explanations for me?
Where do you buy pro-biotic capsules
can you explain the part when, after finishing making it, you put it in a “used deodorant container?” like, an old “stick”? how would this work? Please advise on this part, thanks!
…And, where’s the ingredient that gets rid of the smell?
Does the arrowroot powder work better than corn starch? Or do you use it because of the GMO issue? Would organic corn starch work for this recipe?
We made this recipe last weekend, and it works beautifully — even for this “heavy sweater” who exercises intensely for hours a day, every day and requires a strong deodorant. Smells great and goes on/stays on well. Possibly the best deodorant I’ve ever used, and I’ve tried many (Weleda, LifeStinks, the crystal, etc.)
Hello! Thank you for this recipe. I made a batch about 3 weeks ago and my family loves it. The only thing is that it was quite squishy. It was more like a cream than I expected. My husband said it worked very very well for him. Prior to this I would simply shower/wash as usual (only natural soaps), wipe my underarms with rubbing alcohol (I’m beginning to question this part of my routine), and dust with baking soda. Of course I sweat a little more but no smell, in fact i smell far better than I did when I used commercial deodorants. My second batch of the probiotic deodorant is cooling now. I added a little more ‘solids’ this time with hopes that it will not be too creamy as it was before. I will keep you posted on how the 2nd batch comes out.
I would love to know how your second batch turned out?? I experienced the same thing so I’m researching online some troubleshooting options. I wish the moderator would expand a little more with some FAQ and/or respond to contacts who reach out. What was the more ‘solids’ that you added? I tried adding a little more beeswax but wasn’t too impressed with the turnout. I just hate to waste any more ingredients trial and erroring too much but either way I love the freedom to know exactly what I am putting on my body! It’s very impowering and I will never go back to the store again to buy most of my toiletries and cleaning supplies.
Thank you for this! I was wondering though, how long does the protection last, 24 hours or less?
Hey there, I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas of other non-refridgerated probiotics other than Bio Kult? I’m on a budget, and I can only find this brand in the UK.(I’m in the States) Would rather not have to pay that shipping.
This recipe, just makes sense! I stopped using commercial soaps and lotions 6 months ago and it has changed my life! Big hormone disrupters! I don’t get PMS anymore (my husband loves) and my periods are a lot shorter and calmer! No more huge monthly Zits No deodorant, was my only complaint, the armpit odor, but it has lessened considerably after the toxins flushed themselves out of my body!
I make my own yogurt and have a lot of whey left over. Sorta wondering if this being a probiotic as well could be utilized instead?
I tried the recipe this weekend. It works great! The only thing I did notice is that I now have neon yellow pit stains on my shirt from the deodorant. The only things I can think of that might have caused this would be the grapefruit essential oil I used, the vitamin e, or the beeswax. Do you have any advice as to how to correct this? It works so well, I would hate to not use it because of that.
Try using less of the product. I think we become use to using a lot of deo but with this stuff one or two swipes really do ya 🙂
I made a batch and have been using it for around 2 months now. The only problem is that it is really drying out my skin. As in RED. It helps if I use lotion daily, but are there any suggestions? Maybe a modification of this recipe?
Can you use something other that coconut oil? I do not like the smell or feel of it. Otherwise, this deodorant is awesome. It really does work!
Wonderful recipe. Thanks
Love it all! 🙂
Someone may have already asked this (I’m sorry if that’s the case–read most of the thread and didn’t see it)–does the temperature of heated oils kill the bacteria of the probiotic powder?
The recipe days to wait to add the probiotics until the mixture has cooled until it is the of pudding. This ends up being much cooler than if starts and therefore does not kill the bacteria.
Yes, thank you, Allison. I’ll do that. 🙂
I’m so glad to find your blog and this deodorant recipe and other stuff! someone mentioned using essential oils “straight” or “neat” and said it works for some people and not for others. Some essential oils ARE NOT TO BE USED NEAT (STRAIGHT) EVER! (by anyone). Before doing so, it’s best to get a good book that teaches you which ones can be used neat.
I love your blog posts. I have a question about your deodorant recipe. If I don’t put in the baking soda (for allergy reasons), do I need to make any other adjustments? Can I keep the arrowroot powder in it without the baking soda? Thanks, in advance, for your answer.
Has anyone made this with liquid probiotics? How much did you use?
For those who are having trouble with armpit stains on your clothes, have you tried some Fels Naptha? I have been using it in my lights and whites have helped make the clothes brighter. Maybe try wetting the armpit area of your tops and scrubbing some of the Fels Naptha bar into it. It would be like a natural Stain Remover/Pretreater. I hope this helps.
for all of you wondering about staining clothing, I have not used deodorant for years. Nothing. I believe that eating organic and natural foods, there is no bad odor to ‘cover-up’.
And no, I don’t stink!
Anyway, after I began using coconut oil for just about everything, I tried something just for kicks: after moisturizing my face with coconut oil, I had a bit extra, and thought: “why not”? So I wiped it on my arm pits. No baking soda, or cornstarch (GMO), or arrowroot, or anything else. Does it stain? No. It absorbs into the skin. I’m guessing with any other ingredients, (like the powders)it might, though.
I often add a few drops of Essential Oils to coconut oil for my body moisturizer, and sometimes will use this for ‘deodorant’, and it doesn’t stain, either, since there is barely any E.O. at all in the container of coconut oil.
Oh, I perspire heavily! (even in winter, I use two fans at work!)
Best of luck!
I should also mention, that despite normally heavy perspiring, I don’t “wet” clothing, either. I believe the coconut oil prevents moisture from ‘getting out’ so to speak…
Anyway, it works for me: plain old coconut oil, and not a lot of it, just enough to rub into the skin, leaving no residue….
Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room. Instead of trying to figure out how to get the stains from beeswax and oils out of your clothing, just use the powdered ingredients, add some kaolin clay to give it some adhesion, and rub it under your arms like baby powder. I’ve been doing this for years, and it works perfectly. I don’t add essential oils, because they do kill probiotic organisms, as most EOs are bacteriostatic.
There are a ton of comments, so I apologize if this has already been asked: I love everything about this recipe, but I was wondering, if this is a Probiotic recipe for natural deodorant, why use antibiotic essential oils? Won’t that counter the effects of the Probiotic? Is there any particular reason to use antibiotic essential oils? Thanks so much!
Nice idea improper method.Most Probiotics live in a very acid enviornment. Since you are using baking soda you are creating an enviornment that is not suitable for the probiotics to thrive. John Gray has a spray probiotic on his website for your skin and hands that works well. if you want to improve the good bacteria on your skin you must make sure that your skin remains acidic washing your skin with soap which has lye thatl make your skin alkaline and therefore not as healthy for good bacteria. only was your sweaty areas with soap the rest withjust water.
So many of you have said that you have excessive perspiration and that it”s a problem for you. I’d like to share with you something that can help you, but it’s not an EO, but it is Very Healthy indeed. They’re called “Biochemic Tissue Salts” or “Cell Salts”. They’re a natural salt (there’s 12 of them) and EVERY CELL in your body contains at least one of them, and some cells contain multiple salts. Without these salts, or if you’re low in these salts, your body becomes ill. By taking these salts you can correct almost all diseases. Salt #11 Nat. Sulph. (Sodium Sulphate) removes intercellular excess water from your cells. Salt #9 Nat. Mur. (Sodium Chloride) is needed when you have excessive moisture or excessive dryness in any part of your body; (ie excessive perspiration, tears, sweaty hands and feet, excessive saliva flow, etc.), or really dry skin, hair, eyes, etc.
They’re only about $12 a bottle of 500 tablets (about the size of bb’s) and you take about 4 at a time about 3 times a day (more or less depending on your need), or more often for acute conditions.
There’s a handy little booklet (124 pages including the index, about 7″ long x 4″ wide) for @ $5.00 that tells you about the salts and how to use them and has an index to look up your ailment so you know which salt to take. I buy mine at TriHealth (health food store) in Houston, Texas. I found another book on the salts, but haven’t finished reading it yet. I love these salts!!! They help with everything from severe muscle cramps (works within moments!!!), shooting pains, flatulence (gas), indigestion, excessive water flow (saliva, tears, perspiration, etc.), just to name a few things!
These salts are really helping my Mom and I. I hope they help you too!!!
Oh yeah! Cell Salt #12 Silica, is the salt for offensive perspiration of the feet and arm-pits! It is a cleanser and eliminator, it initiates healing, breaks up abscesses, helps the hair, skin, nails, and bone surfaces, it insulates the nerves, helps the body cleanse itself, helps with boils, styes, gumboils, dyspepsia, pains in the stomach, tonsilitis, brittle and crippled nails, etc.
So, # 12 for offensive odor
and # 9 for excessive perspiration
Better to be safe and avoid antiperspirants. Lavilin is a reputable alternative – aluminum- and paraben-free. Long-lasting, and highly regarded amongst the experts.
This probiotic deodorant sounds interesting, but as a microbiologist, I can say that the probiotics that improve one’s digestive system are not the same beneficial bacteria that live on our skin. I suggest a little research into appropriate skin probiotics before attempting this. I will admit that the idea is a great one, I’m not trying to be negative!, but the specific probiotics in the recipe are not right for skin.
Thanks so much for this. I added a few drops of lavender oil and it came out wonderfully. Thanks for the post and Stay Awesome.
Can you use bentonite clay in this recipe? Would you sub it for something and how much would you use?
I have been using a similar probiotic deodorant that comes in a cream form which I really enjoy as I can customize the oils I use daily to address specific needs ( clary sage at “that’ time of the month, on guard if I feel a bug coming on etc) I noticed that you are now offering a cream version of your deodorant, will you share the modifications you made to the recipe to create the cream? I also like to add cypress oil or lemongrass oil as they help to reduce excessive perspiration. I am a heavy glistener 😉 and find that addition of these oils have made the probiotic deodorant cream I use performs better than even the strongest of commercial antiperspirants I have used in the past. I am really looking forward to trying your recipe! Thanks so much for sharing!
I love homemade deodorants, and I am going to try this one for sure, but likely without the probiotics. Lactobacillus needs an acidic environment to live (pH 4). Baking soda is very alkaline, driving the pH up to 9-10, pretty much killing all of the good bacteria, so likely the probiotics have no effect. What I might do is add probiotics to some apple cider vinegar/ water mix. I use the every week or two on my under arms to balance out out my skins natural pH (pH 6.5).
Thanks for the recipe!
Could you add kefir to this instead of a probiotic? If so, how much?
Can I add a link to your site for this DIY deodorant recipe? I am writing a blog right now about all my favorite DIY homecare/healthcare recipes and I have been making and using your Homemade probiotic deodorant recipe since 2013 and LOVE it! Thanks!
I see you haven’t replied to a comment here in over a year so I will add your link but not list the actual recipe and add my comments. Let me know once you see my blog if that doesn’t work and I’ll certainly take it down.
does the antibacterial essential oil kill the good bacteria in the probiotic?