The past few years have seen so many changes for our family in terms of nutrition. I have always considered myself to be healthy, but after reading books such as Nourishing Traditions and The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, and certainly after attending a Gnowfglins ecourse, my world was rocked!
It has been a slow transition seen through various small changes.
Today my family and I choose to value nutrition and we therefore take responsibility for our health. We do this through foods that are local, in-season, minimally processed, grass-fed, and non-GMO. Additionally, this diet holds closely to our values of sustainability.
This means we eat seasonal fresh foods, we don’t eat a lot of things out of a box, and we know the farmer that produces our food.
Josh is our grass-fed beef and pastured poultry farmer. And guess what, today was pick-up day! After almost a week hiatus from meat, because we ran out early, it makes me so happy to know that my freezer is full to the brim with various cuts of beef, whole chickens, liver, and chicken feet…yes, chicken feet (smile).
Tomorrow I will be simmering a chicken in order to use the meat in meals throughout the week and of course for the stock. Likewise, we’ve all noticed this week that our bodies are working hard to fight off a little cold. So I am going to make this also:
Garlicky Herbal Chicken Broth Recipe
-8-10 cloves of garlic, minced
-1 large onion, chopped
–olive oil
-2 cups of homemade chicken broth
-1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh cayenne pepper (1/2 tsp. cayenne powder)
-1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary (1/2 tsp. dried)
-1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme (1/4 tsp. dried)
-salt to taste
Saute garlic and onion briefly in olive oil. Add broth and simmer for 20 minutes. Add herbs and salt. Then simmer for 5 more minutes. Serve immediately. Sip slowly.
-If administering above recipe to children, remember to take into account the cayenne pepper and season accordingly.
-To find your own local sources of grass-fed beef and/or pastured poultry search this link for
I am so interested on how you all ate without meat for the week. This will be necessary for our family if we are to eat from the farmer as it is pricey and quite a drive to get some chickens. Thanks for the post!
@Anonymous Great question! To be honest, we eat meat on average 3-4 times a week for dinner simply for cost reasons. We are committed to eating local pastured meats, therefore, organic beans and grains (i.e. quinoa, millet, rice) make common appearances on our dinner table. I buy these items in bulk because it's much cheaper.
It is an adjustment for sure. But we have really saved a lot of money and not to mention our health is improving! I am beginning to post our most commonly used recipes under the "Nutritional Foods and Health" tab. I hope this helps:)
Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY. Hope to see you next week! Be sure to visit on Sunday for
Sunday Snippets – your post from Fat Tuesday may be featured there!
If you have grain-free recipes please visit Wednesday night for a grain-free linky carnival in support of my 28 day grain-free challenge starting Wednesday!
Its never occurred to me to spice up chicken broth like that, but I love the idea. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with Sunday Night Soup Night. I'll be hosting weekly through fall and winter, so I'd love to see you again with your next soup/stock/chowder recipe!
I would assume this would freeze well? or would it be better to serve fresh? I was thinking of making some ahead of time and freezing it.
This reminds me of a cold remedy that I make for my family. I call it Garlic Penicillin. I don’t usually add the spices to mine, but I think I will next time. I do however, add a little squeese of lemon juice for some added vitamin C. Cut a lemon into quarters and use the juice from one quarter. Sip piping hot as needed. This is especially good for chest colds.
I should clarify that I add the lemon juice after removing the broth mixture from the heat.