Scent :: Smell :: Aroma
It has the ability to induce memories, emotions (both good and bad), and attraction.
At times, we can smell something that transports us back in time. Memories we haven’t relived for years come flooding back — coupled with emotions that we experience as vivid as they were then.
The scents of Autumn!
A time to…
…prepare the final harvest
…remember those who have pasted on before us
…transition into the shortest, darkest days of the year
Diffuse this essential oil blend in your home during this time in order to aid in the celebration of the season.
Autumn Essential Oil Blend
-3 drops sweet orange essential oil
-2 drops sage essential oil
-2 drops patchouli essential oil
To use: Add each of the essential oils in a small glass bottle (I like to make a decent-sized batch to last several days) and invert the bottle to blend. Diffuse as directed by your essential oil diffuser. *I add my oil blend — 15-20 drops — directly into my glass diffuser.
Share with us! What are your favorite blends for Fall?
What a joy to see you back on the blog! Let me know if I can help with anything!
Welcome Back………you have been missed!
Yay! Frugally Sustainable!
Oh, I was so excited to see “Frugally Sustainable” in my inbox this morning!! You have been missed! 🙂
Welcome back ~ Sending good wishes!
Welcome back! I have learned so much from you and you have been missed.
Happy camper 🙂
Yea, You’re back! I have missed your posts.
You are back ! What a wonderful surprise. I have missed your blog very much.
You’re back!!!! So glad to see your posts again!
So glad you’re back!!
So glad to see you back 🙂
Glad you’re bavk! Hope all is well!
So happy to get your email today! I was beginning to worry that something had happened in your life! Glad you’re back.
So glad you are back 🙂
It’s great to “hear” your bright, shining voice once again. Yay!!!
Sooooo glad you are back! I’ve missed you and this blog…….Welcome back!
I was thrilled to see an email from you this morning! Missed u so much. Glad your back!
What a happy surprise! We’ve missed you!
So happy your back!
What happened?
Loved finding your email in my inbox this morning. You have certainly been missed. Hope that all is well with you.
Yes to all the comments above….welcome back~
YAY! I missed you
So great to see you in my inbox today. Thank you for the recipe! I’m going to share it with my son’s art teacher. We were just at the museum, decorating sugar skulls for Dia de los Muertos. 🙂
Forgot to add, she said that marigolds are very popular to put on offrendas made during Dia de los Muertos. It’s thought that the scent of these flowers help the deceased find their way back home.
I love you!
I was so happy to see your email today!! you’re back!! Yay!!! 🙂
Andrea! Thank God you are back, I’m so glad to receive your news again
O my Frugal Goodness Sakes! You are back – woo hoo. You have been missed and well wishes have been sent your way. So glad to see you back – I’ll be checking FB too.
I read every one of the other peoples comments I will say the same thing thank you that you’re back we have been keeping you in our prayersthat you have support along your journey and life is going in a good way for you I love your blog and what inlightenment you bring.
So glad to see you back to blogging! Hope all is well with you and your family!
I agree with everyone when I say I’m SO glad you are back, I hope all is well, and that you and your family are in my prayers .
I have seriously missed your blog.
Yay! Frugally Sustainable!!!!!
I’m so glad I found you. And it sounds like perfect timing. Welcome back…
So very glad you are back! You in my inbox is “better than all get out”!
Oh how I’ve missed you! Following on Pinterest just isn’t the same. Welcome back, Sister!
Yay! You’re back!