Anyone, anywhere can have a garden…
~Carol Bowlby
It’s no secret that the people living in rural areas have more options for growing food, and those of us living in the suburban and urban areas have more options for buying food. But in this video Carol Bowlby shows us how she, living in an urban area, grows enough produce to feed her family of 5 for seven months out of the year and encourages others to do the same.
Carol is not alone in her quest!
Today I am very honored to host Mike Lieberman. He is the publisher of Urban Organic Gardener and an urban garden guru! Through his own experience, Mike has proven that even in the smallest of outdoor spaces, your garden can grow.
Editor’s Note: This is a post written by Mike Lieberman of the Urban Organic Gardener.
One of the key elements to living a frugally sustainable life is being able to grow your own food.
Most of us live in urban environments and are apartments dwellers. We think it’s not possible to grow our own food because we lack the space…
…That’s not true though. You don’t have to have lots of land or money to grow some of your own food in your apartment.
How can you can start your own urban garden and maximize the little space that you have?
Urban Gardening 101: How to Start Your Urban Garden Today
What you are going to read here is from my own experiences. I started growing my own food on a 2×3 fire escape in New York City and currently grow on a 13×4 balcony in Los Angeles.
What I’m going to share with you is easy to understand and has simple to follow explanations.
Here are some articles that I’ve written to help you get started:
- Building a Self–Watering Planter
These containers are simple, cost effective and reuse existing resources. They also fit into most small spaces. One of the best things about them is that you can go for a few weeks without watering them. - How to Make Gardening Cheap
This is about being frugally sustainable isn’t it? That’s why there is no need to break the bank in creating your urban garden. There are plenty of local resources that are either free or can be found at a low price. - 5 Things I Learned About Gardening in 2011
Gardening knowledge is constantly being acquired. It used to be passed down from generation to generation, but no longer is. So I’m constantly learning new things. These are some that I learned last year.
And there are plenty more to come, so be sure to keep in contact.
Now It’s Your Turn
Daily Goal: Head over to The Urban Organic Gardener and start learning how your dreams of growing your own produce can become a reality. Then share with us your gardening goals for 2012.
Download: The 23 Day Frugal Living Challenge Daily Goal Sheet
Connect With The Community: Take a few minutes and head over to the forum. Share your “Frugal Living Daily Goal“, encourage, and support one another.
Mike Lieberman is the publisher of Urban Organic Gardener where he shows people with little to no land how to start growing their own food so they can avoid toxic pesticides, eat healthier and not feel limited by their lack of experience and space.
I’ve only lived in a city apartment for a few months of my life, but the apartment owners wouldn’t let you keep anything on the deck. We did live in student housing once though, and they let us do baskically whatever we wanted on our decks. I grew strawberries and tomatoes that year in pots on the deck. They were pretty good. I have to say, I’m really glad we own a house and have plenty of backyard space to grow a garden.
Even though I live in the country, a container garden is more handicapped accessable for me.
My DH built me a metal rack to hold my containers (recycled kitty litter buckets) so I don’t have to
Kneel, but still grow fresh organic veggies.
Hubby and I were just talking about growing a few veggies in our back yard.
Last year was the first year that I have planted an actual garden. It is so fun to see all of those vegetables growing in your own backyard! It is a learning experence though, I hope to be able to do better this year by changing some things.